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Button OnClick Fires When Enter Key Is Pressed In Input Text Field In IE

I have a couple of input textboxes on my webpage for searching:

<input type="text" id="mfrText"  name="MfrSearchText" value='@ViewBag.SearchAndSort.MfrSearchText' />
<input type="text" id="partText"  name="PartNoSearchText" value="@ViewBag.SearchAndSort.PartNoSearchText" />  </
<input type="text" id="descText" name="DescriptionSearchText" value="@ViewBag.SearchAndSort.DescriptionSearchText" /> 

I have a button that has a click event to show a dialog box.

<button class="btnAdd btn-xs">Add</button>

The issue I have is when the enter key is hit and one of the input fields has the focus, the button onclick event is fired and the dialog box is displayed. I have tried e.preventDefault() and I have also tried checking if the enter key was pressed instead of a mouse click with no luck. This happens in IE but not in Chrome. How do I prevent this behavior ?

My click event:

$(".btnAdd").click(function (e) {

         var partID = $(this).closest('tr').attr('id');
             modal: true,
             title: 'Increase Qty',
             buttons: {
                 "Save": function () {
                     var qty = $("#addQtyAdd").val();
                     var clockNo = $("#addClockNo").val();
                     var asset = $("#addAssetNo").val();

                     AddPart(partID, qty, clockNo, asset);
                 Cancel: function () {
         $(".ui-dialog-title").css("color", "lightgreen");

That is desired/intended behaviour.


<button type="button" class="btnAdd btn-xs">Add</button>

This will stop the button from being seen as a submit control, and will be ignored by Enter keypresses.

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