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Drop-Down Menu with jQuery

I'm working on an Drop-Down Menu but without success.
I want the same function like the Drop-Down menu by Sony .I have even tried to imitate this effect, but I had a few difficulties.


<div id="main_menu">
<div id="main_menu_container">
    <div id="main_menu_links">
        <a href="" class="main_menu_link">Startseite</a>
        <a id="drop_down_link1" class="main_menu_link">Events</a>
        <a id="drop_down_link2" class="main_menu_link">Clan</a>
        <a id="drop_down_link3" class="main_menu_link">Irgendetwas</a>
<div id="drop_down_container">
    <div id="drop_down_content1" class="drop_down_content"></div>
    <div id="drop_down_content2" class="drop_down_content"></div>
    <div id="drop_down_content3" class="drop_down_content"></div>


$("#drop_down_link1").mouseenter(function (){
$("#drop_down_content1, #drop_down_link1").mouseleave(function (){


The problem in my script is, when i leave drop_down_link1 or drop_down_content1 then the content 'slideUp' but when i hover from drop_down_link1 to drop_down_content1 then there shouldn't be the function.

So my question is:

  1. How can I do this that I can move between the link and the 'content' with my mouse without 'content' close?
  2. My code is very unprofessional. How do I make it so that I do not repeat myself when 'Events' and 'Clan' have the same function?


Try with this code. I added :

$("#drop_down_link1,#drop_down_container").mouseenter(function (){
$("#drop_down_content1, #drop_down_link1,#drop_down_container").mouseleave(function (){

Or this

$("#drop_down_link1,#drop_down_container").hover(function (){



Very simple! Just handle both #drop_down_link1 and #drop_down_content1 mouseenter events as follows

    $("#drop_down_link1,#drop_down_content1").mouseenter(function (){
   $("#drop_down_content1, #drop_down_link1").mouseleave(function (){


   $('#main_menu_container a.main_menu_link').each(function(index,item){
      var $this=$(this),
          $dropdownContent=$('#drop_down_container .drop_down_content')



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