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send email automatically before the expire date

In my application, I need the email to send automatically to the registered clients as the membership is expiring, is cron job is the only solution to send the mail automatically, I tried cron job, where i am able to send the mail for scheduled time but how will i take the respective expiry date of the client and trigger the mail


// Set this to your timezone

// Start at 8:00 AM (24-hour time)
$startTime = mktime(8, 0, 0);

// End at 5:00 PM (24-hour time)
$endTime = mktime(17, 0, 0);

$currentTime = time();

// Do not send the email if it is outside of the allowed hours
if($currentTime < $startTime || $currentTime > $endTime)
    print('Not sending an email after hours.');

// Get the current day of the week as an index (0=Sunday, 6=Saturday)
$dayOfWeek = date('w');

// Do not send the email on weekends
if($dayOfWeek == 0 || $dayOfWeek == 6)
    print('Not sending an email on the weekends.');

// Info of person to receive the tests
define('TO_EMAIL',      'ramya.krish7@gmail.com');
define('TO_NAME',       'ramya');

// Info of person sending the tests
define('FROM_EMAIL',    'webmaster@serversendingtests.com');
define('FROM_NAME', 'Email Tester');

// Example: 8:00 am on 1 Nov 2010
$subject = 'Test: ' . date('g:i a \o\n j M Y');

$message = 'This email was automatically generated. Please send an email to yourusername@youremailprovider.com if you would like to disable these automated tests.';

$result = mail(TO_NAME . ' <' . TO_EMAIL . '>', $subject, $message, 'From: ' . FROM_NAME . ' <' . FROM_EMAIL . '>');

Suppose you call the file sendmail.php through cron job, then your code should contain : (since you have not provide any table structure)


//get the result from clients table

//check whether clients expiry date is expired or not

// if yes then

//then said mail


//do nothing


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