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cron.php on IIS 7.5 windows 2008 server

i'm running the suitecrm 7.1.1 on IIS 7.5 on windows 2008 server. trying to run the cron.php to make the AOD works; The Cron batch file is killing me guys; from the admin>scheduler i put all the 11 jobs to inactive and kept only 2 jobs to active ( Perform lucene Index and Optimize AOD Index ) just the jobs required for the AOD to work in global search. i created a cron batch file with the following lines:

 cd c:\Program Files (x86)\PHP\v5.3
 php-cgi.exe -f c:\suitecrm\cron.php

I tested these two line with cmd prompt and the out put was cron.php is CLI Only i find in some threads that the workaround for this issue is to comment out these lines from the cron.php file with // as follows:

//$sapi_type = php_sapi_name();
//if (substr($sapi_type, 0, 3) !='cli') {
// sugar_die("cron.php is CLI only.");

When running with the cmd prompt don't show any message, nothing in the log file but the windows task scheduler results is (0xFF) after each time is executed. Now. i don't know if the cron is running or not and if this setup is correct and nothing is missing? can anyone tried this cron on windows help me please!

Try php.exe -fc:\\suitecrm\\cron.php instead of php-cgi.exe

Full documentation for working with Schedulers is available at the SugarCRM Website at Sugar Community Edition 6.5 Administration Guide .

I haven't been able to use the php.exe either in windows. As an alternative, I use the Task Scheduler. When creating a new one, the Actions tab looks something like this,

Program/script:  "C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"
Add arguments (optional):  http://localhost/backlog/loadclosedtickets.php

It will then load up that page at the time specified in the Triggers tag. If you want the script to self-close after running, use,

echo "<script>window.open('', '_self', ''); window.close();</script>";

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