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mySQL - Load GTFS Data

I was wondering if anyone has had any success loading GTFS data to a mySQL database. I've looked all over the place for a good tutorial but I can't find anything that has been helpful.

I succeed in importing GTFS files into MySQL.

Step 1: Create a database

    DEFAULT COLLATE utf8_general_ci;

Step 2: Create tables

For instance, create the table stops for stops.txt ,

-- stop_id,stop_code,stop_name,stop_lat,stop_lon,location_type,parent_station,wheelchair_boarding
CREATE TABLE `stops` (
        stop_id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    stop_code VARCHAR(255),
    stop_name VARCHAR(255),
    stop_lat DECIMAL(8,6),
    stop_lon DECIMAL(8,6),
    location_type INT(2),
    parent_station VARCHAR(255),
    wheelchair_boarding INT(2),
    stop_desc VARCHAR(255),
    zone_id VARCHAR(255)

Step 3: Load local data

For instance, load the local file stops.txt into the table stops ,


The complete source code with an example is placed on GitHub ( here ). Make some slight changes for your purpose.

Have you tried this one :


The website says :

GTFS (General Transit Feed Specification) Database

Python code that will load GTFS data into a relational database, and Sql/Geo-Alchemy ORM bindings to the GTFS tables in the gtfsdb.

The gtfsdb project's focus is on making GTFS data available in a programmatic context for software developers. The need for the gtfsdb project comes from the fact that a lot of developers start out a GTFS-related effort by first building some amount of code to read GTFS data (whether that's an in-memory loader, a database loader, etc...); gtfsdb can hopefully reduce the need for such drudgery, and give developers a starting point beyond the first step of dealing with GTFS in .csv file format.

I actually used the following link as a base and converted it to a script, worked like a charm


In my case, I created the table structures first.

Then load the data via the following command in mysql command console

load data local infile '/media/sf_Downloads/google_transit/stops.txt' into table stop fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '"' lines terminated by '\\n' ignore 1 rows;

This loads the stops.txt into stop table. ignore the first row (heading) in the stops.txt file.

'/media/...' is just the path to the file, where I extract the gtfs data.

I loaded the GTFS data into a SQLite database through the following commands:

Create a new SQLite Database named test.sqlite3

sqlite3 test.sqlite3

Set the mode to csv

sqlite> .mode csv

Import Each File into a corresponding table with import command .import FILE TABLE

sqlite> .import agency.txt agency
sqlite> .import calendar.txt calendar
sqlite> .import stops.txt stops

Now your database should be loaded

Hi looking for something similar and still not getting an easy way to do it. I am going to give a try GTFS to MySQl using Python

According to Google Developers , a GTFS feed is basically a zip file containing text files. You should be able to store it in your MySQL database using a BLOB type field. But this isn't recommended. You should store it as a file on your server's disk and then store the file's name/path into a regular text/varchar field in your database.

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