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jquery ui How to get a id of a draggable item when i click on the droppable item

i've tried for several days and i can't get it work. I want to get the id of div ( ui-widget-content ) that is the draggable item, when i dropped and click on the div ( ui-widget-header ) that is the dropped item but i can't get it work.


         $(document).ready(function () {
            $("#j1, #j2, #j3, #j4, #j5, #j6").draggable();
            $("#p1, #p2, #p3, #p4, #p5, #p6").droppable({
               hoverClass: 'ui-state-hover',
               helper: 'clone',
               cursor: 'move',
               drop: function (event, ui) {
                  console.log('Dragged: ' + alert(ui.draggable.attr("id")));

         $('ui-widget-header').click(function () {
             var item_id = ui.item.attr('id');
         //    var myStringPosition = $('div'); // $(event.target).attr('id');
         //    $('.ui-droppable').each(function(){
         //      myStringPosition = $(this)[0].id; 
         //    });
         //    alert(myStringPosition);


      <div id="j1" class="ui-widget-content" data-userid="1">Jogador 1</div>

      <div id="j2" class="ui-widget-content">Jogador 2</div>

      <div id="j3" class="ui-widget-content">Jogador 3</div>

      <div id="j4" class="ui-widget-content">Jogador 4</div>

      <div id="j5" class="ui-widget-content">Jogador 5</div>

      <div id="j6" class="ui-widget-content">Jogador 6</div>

      <div id="p1" class="ui-widget-header"><p>Posicao 1</p></div>

      <div id="p2" class="ui-widget-header"><p>Posicao 2</p></div>

      <div id="p3" class="ui-widget-header"><p>Posicao 3</p></div>

      <div id="p1" class="ui-widget-header"><p>Posicao 4</p></div>

      <div id="p2" class="ui-widget-header"><p>Posicao 5</p></div>

      <div id="p3" class="ui-widget-header"><p>Posicao 6</p></div>


UPDATE 3 : It doesn't look like there is a method to determine which "draggable" item is contained within the droppable. You will have to have a method to remember what was dropped into the container. The data() function on a jquery object is a good method for this.

In the drop function:

var itemId = $(ui.draggable).attr("id");
$(this).data('dropped', itemId);

In the click callback use:

if ($(item).data('dropped'))

NOTE: This will only remember the most recently dropped item and will not remove it once it's dropped into a new container - that should be straightforward to implement.

UPDATE 2 : The following should provide an alert with the id of the draggable item. I put the conditional in there to determine if it were moved into the container at the bottom.

$('.ui-widget-content').click(function (event) {
    var item = event.target;

    if (item.offsetTop >= 140)

new fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/KLLCg/7/

UPDATE : It looks like you wanted something different. If you just want the ID of the destination container you should be able to get it using event.target.id

drop: function (event, ui) {

    var itemId = $(ui.draggable).attr("id");
    var destId = event.target.id ;
    var message = '"' + itemId + '" was dragged to "' + destId + '"';

see updated fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/KLLCg/6/


First - you should put your click handler inside the document.ready . I think you might be having a problem because the event target object will be whatever was clicked and the <p> element doesn't have an id. If I understand your problem the following code may work.

         $('.ui-widget-header').click(function (event) {
             var item = event.target;
             if (item.nodeName == 'P') {
                 item = item.parentNode;

jsfiddle example: http://jsfiddle.net/KLLCg/3/

Try this one You just have to store drag object id into "dragId".

<!DOCTYPE html>

<link href='../../css/style.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>
<script type="text/javascript" src = "js/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src = "js/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src = "js/jquery-ui.js"></script>














        var dragId;


                dragId = (this.id);

            $( ".dropImageStyle" ).droppable(
                drop: function( event, ui ) 
                    alert("Droped on "+this.id+" : "+dragId);




    <div id = "dragAndDrop">

        <div id = "bg">
            <img src = "images/BG.jpg"></img>

        <div id = "dropTiles" class = "dropBoxStyle">
            <img id = "drop1" class = "dropImageStyle" src = "images/Tab1_V.jpg"><img>
            <img id = "drop2" class = "dropImageStyle" src = "images/Tab2_V.jpg"><img>
            <img id = "drop3" class = "dropImageStyle" src = "images/Tab3_V.jpg"><img>
            <img id = "drop4" class = "dropImageStyle" src = "images/Tab4_V.jpg"><img>

        <div class = "dragBoxStyle">
            <img id = "dragBox1" src = "images/BlankBox.png"><img>
            <img id = "dragBox2" src = "images/BlankBox.png"><img>
            <img id = "dragBox3" src = "images/BlankBox.png"><img>
            <img id = "dragBox4" src = "images/BlankBox.png"><img>

        <div id = "dragTiles" class = "dragBoxStyle">
            <img id = "drag1" class = "dragImageStyle" src = "images/Tab1_N.jpg"><img>
            <img id = "drag2" class = "dragImageStyle" src = "images/Tab2_N.jpg"><img>
            <img id = "drag3" class = "dragImageStyle" src = "images/Tab3_N.jpg"><img>
            <img id = "drag4" class = "dragImageStyle" src = "images/Tab4_N.jpg"><img>


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