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calling a mysql and printing data matching text file(python)

I know to connect to a db and connected it and i done it by

import MySQLdb

db = MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost", # your host, usually localhost
                     user="root", # your username
                      passwd="mysql", # your password
                      db="sakila") # name of the data base

I have a text file qwer.txt i have the table name:vehicle

I need to perform the operation which is to print words that match the text file and database.my operation for a small db and small file is given by this but what about connecting the database and matching them?

    mysql_row = "car,bike"
    file_str = "I have a car"

    mysql_elements = mysql_row.split(",")
    file_elements = file_str.split(" ")

    output_array = []

    for m_element in mysql_elements:
        for i in range(len(file_elements)):
            if ((m_element == file_elements[i]) and (i < len(file_elements)-1)):

    print output_array  


So,what are the changes to be done for connecting the database directly and the filename to perform the matching operation.

cursor = db.cursor()

# execute SQL select statement
cursor.execute("SELECT name FROM Vehicle")

# commit your changes


here fetchall() gets all the rows and we append carnames to key words

for i in cursor.fetchall():

with open('qwer.txt','r') as file:

this is used to open a file

    for line in file:
        for key in keywords:
            if key in line:
                print line

for each word in keywords search the line brings our output

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