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importing csv file in powershell

I have an issue with importing csv files in powershell. I am using following commands for read csv files.


$DataImport=Import-Csv -Path (Get-ChildItem $CsvFilePath)|Out-DataTable

Write-DataTable -ServerInstance $server -Database $Database -TableName $Table -Username $Username -Password $Password -Data $DataImport

Since the CsvFilePath contain thousands of files with large size, importing taking long time and powershell stop working or hang for long time on import-csv code line. Finally importing not happen. Can any one suggest valuable solution for make it happen successfully.

What about trying to process files one by one instead of 1000s in on go?


Get-ChildItem $CsvFilePath | Foreach-Object {

    $DataImport = Import-Csv $_.FullName | Out-DataTable

    Write-DataTable -ServerInstance $server -Database $Database -TableName $Table -Username $Username -Password $Password -Data $DataImport


I haven't used Out-/Write-Datable , but it might also support something like this(very untested):


Get-ChildItem $CsvFilePath |
Import-Csv |
Out-DataTable | Foreach-Object {

    Write-DataTable -ServerInstance $server -Database $Database -TableName $Table -Username $Username -Password $Password -Data $_


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