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Correct way to specify Meteor package dependencies

I am trying to create a new Meteor package that depends on another meteor package. When I try meteor add mypackage I get the following error. Why isn't Meteor adding mypackage and pulling in it's dependencies?

=> Errors while scanning packages:

While building package 'mypackage':
error: no such package: 'aloha-editor'

Here are the package.js and smart.json files from mypackage.


  summary: "REPLACEME - What does this package (or the original one you're wrapping) do?"

Package.on_use(function (api, where) {
  api.add_files('package1.js', ['client', 'server']);

Package.on_test(function (api) {
  api.use('aloha-editor', 'client');
  api.use('package1', 'client');

  api.add_files('package1_tests.js', 'client');


  "name": "package1",
  "description": "REPLACEME - What does this package (or the original one you're wrapping) do?",
  "homepage": "",
  "author": "Your Name <your@email> (http://yoursite)",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "git": "",
  "packages": {
    "aloha-editor": {}

Your dependency seems to be defined correctly. However, you need to run mrt add mypackage instead of meteor add mypackage . The second command only uses packages provided with Meteor, while mrt has access to the whole Atmosphere repository you're trying to use.

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