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How to search in Entire TYPO3 files

I am working with lots of extensions so I have lots of problems with searching string, language specific text, other specific code etc.

Please let me know if there any easy way to search the string that can save my time.

While you're working with local setup you can easily search in all the files using some good editor like NOtepad++.

But when you're working with live site via FTP or something you'll have difficulty to search it.

For that you can use a simple script that will work fine with ubuntu server and will run just by url. So you can search your string from there. You can use it.

Follow below link to setup the script.


If you have shell access to the server I would use ACK or better " The Silver Searcher " aka ag .

This simple example will search only *.php files for the string ">exec_SELECTquery": ag --php \\>exec_SELECTquery

The difference between ack and ag is just speed. Most of the commands are the same.

$ ag --stats -l --php \>exec_SELECTquery
238 matches
3208 files searched
23046323 bytes searched
0.466188 seconds

$ time ack -l --php \>exec_SELECTquery
ack -l --php \>exec_SELECTquery  2,63s user 1,06s system 45% cpu 8,046 total

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