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How do i Prevent remote file inclusion attack from php?

This is my code in index.php

include ($_GET['page']);

Actully i need to include page from url like


on the other-hand i can not filter


as for some case i need to include this value also. But this is a remote file inclusion (RFI) vulnerability. how can i prevent RFI attack from my site? I am doing something like

$filename = $_GET['page'];
if (file_exists($filename)) {
include ($_GET['page']);

But it filters only


this shorts of page. And i am sucked with


this shorts of page.

If I understand the question correctly; You could setup an array with 'allowed' pages such as:

  $allowedPages = array('go.php', 'stop.php', 'file.php');
  $filename = $_GET['page'];

  if(in_array($filename, $allowedPages) && file_exists($filename)){
    include ($filename);
    //output error

I think this answer is too late, but for those who might search for this problem, I guess it can be done like this, too:

1.Define a constant with full path.

2.Define a white-list of allowed pages.

3.Get the $_GET variable, and convert it to lower case.

4.Then if the page returned by $_GET variable is in your white-list array, then require it, otherwise, redirect the user to the home page, and display an error message.

# this is abcd.php
$allow = [SITE.'1.php', SITE.'2.php', SITE.'3.php'];
$get = strtolower(SITE.$_GET['page']);

    include $get;
} else {
    header('Location: index.php?param=incorrect');

# this is index.php
if(isset($_GET['param']) && $_GET['param'] == 'incorrect'){
    <script type="text/javascript">
} else die('ERROR');

I'm not 100% sure this will work without any probs, but I guess is a good start and you can play around with it and figure out what's suitable for you.

To be honest, your method of creating a dynamic website is definitely not the way to go.

To answer within the scope of this question, you'd do something like the following:

You'd have to set up a whitelist of files that are**ALLOWED** to be included through this function.

That could look something like this:


$whitelist = array(


Now before including the said file, you'd run a check with in_array()


if(in_array($_GET['page'] . '.php', $whitelist) && file_exists($_GET['page'] . '.php')) {
    include($_GET['page'] . '.php');


This, as you can see is not very pretty! Another alternative would be doing something like:

    $file = strtolower($_GET['page']) . '.php';
    if(isset($whitelist[$file]) && file_exists($file)) {
        include($_GET['page'] . '.php');


Don't accept a page.php parameter, but just the name of the file.


Then check if $_REQUEST["page"] is alphanumeric

if (ctype_alnum($_REQUEST["page"]))

And just don't give non-alpha-numeric names to your files.

Then do if file_exists on $_REQUEST["page"] and you should be quite good.

PS $_REQUEST["page"] is about the same with $_GET["page"], it just intersects with $_POST

You can filter other domain urls instead of filtering files. If parameter contains a hostname less than 3 letters, it is fine as no domain is 2 letters.

   $tmp= parse_url ($_GET['page']);

If there are some trusted hosts then you can validate them too.

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