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PHP: ftp_rawlist always returns false, even when in passive mode

I have a problem with the PHP code shown below: I am able to connect to and login on the right FTP server. But when I try to get a list of the content of the main directory using ftp_rawlist, I always get: bool(false), even when in passive mode.

Does somebody see the problem here.

    // Inloggegevens

    $ftp_server = "***";
    $ftp_user = "***";
    $ftp_pass = "***";

    // Verbinding maken in passive mode

    $conn = ftp_connect($ftp_server, 2121) or die("Couldn't connect to $ftp_server"); 
    ftp_pasv($conn, true);

    // Inloggen mislukt

    if (!@ftp_login($conn, $ftp_user, $ftp_pass)) {
        echo "Couldn't login on server.";

    // Inloggen gelukt

    $list = ftp_rawlist($conn, '/');

    // Verbinding sluiten


ftp_pasv() can only be called after a successful login. Otherwise will fail (ie return false).

Move it to after your login call.

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