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Excel VBA That command cannot be used on multiple selections

I have got this code:


I use it to copy and paste a column from one sheet to another. The code used to work last time i checked and it somehow broke today. It comes up with the following error: Run time error 1004: That command cannot be used on multiple selections.

I really cant figure out what is going on. I haven't made any amendments to the code.

尝试清除剪贴板Application.CutCopyMode = False

You can simplify that a lot more. If its just the values you are wanting too, change to PasteSpecial . Try this:

ThisWorkbook.Sheets("RESOURCE_DEMAND").Range("C1").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues
Application.CutCopyMode = False

Eliminates all the selecting and activating, which is generally a habit you dont want to keep!

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