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data-press in view doesn't seems to be working, What am I missing here?

In open ui5 I am using data-custom-data:target = "screenName" in a div and I have created 2 files screenName.view.html and screenName.controller.js, when I click on the div , it does not takes me to the screen which I am expecting ie nothing happens when I click. What am I missing here? Should I need to map the screens some where else?

I have tried the following code on data-press="sometTilePress"

sometTilePress : function(evt) {
    var bus = sap.ui.getCore().getEventBus();
    bus.publish("nav", "to", {
        id : "someHome"

but it gives me an error Sorry, we can't navigate you there. Cannot read property 'app' of undefined Sorry, we can't navigate you there. Cannot read property 'app' of undefined .

what am I missing now ?

I am newbie, so don't down vote!

Adding a mapping in App.controller.js helped me to fix the issue. So we need to map it in the said js to make it work.

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