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jQuery - Remove some elements from AJAX response

AJAX response:

<div id="div_1">Some text</div>
<div id="div_2">Some text</div>
<div id="div_3">Some text</div>

Now I need to remove some divse, before the result is shown to users. So lets for example remove div_1 and div_3:

var result = $(ajax_response).find('#div_1, #div_3').remove();

Now we can show it to users:


But it doesn't work - nothing will show up . What am I doing wrong?

EDIT : Working solution, but I don't like, that I have to show the result before a change it:

 $('#result_div').html(ajax_response).find('#div_1, #div_3').remove();

find() only works within the context of an element. The three elements you receive are all siblings, so you can either wrap them in a container on the server side:

<div class="container">
    <div id="div_1">Some text</div>
    <div id="div_2">Some text</div>
    <div id="div_3">Some text</div>

Or you can do that programmatically in your JS:

var $container = $(ajax_response).wrap('<div />').parent();
$container.find('#div_1, #div_3').remove();

Example fiddle

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