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Backtracking in Python

I have just started learning Python and tried to write down the backtracking algorithm, but it seems that I am doing something wrong. Since I am new to this language, I have been trying to look it up on the internet, but did not understand very much of it.Here is my code:

n = 3
x = [0] * 3
k = 0
def init ():
    x[k] = 0
def succesor():
    if x[k] < n:
        return 1
    return 0
def valid ():
    i = 1
    for i in range (0,k-1):
        if x[i] == x[k]:
            return 0
    return 1
def solutie ():
    return k == n
def afis():
def back ():
    k = 1
    avemsuccesor = 1
    while k > 0:
        while avemsuccesor and not valid():
            avemsuccesor = succesor()
        if avemsuccesor:
            if solutie:
def main ():
main ()

When I run it, I only get a vector full of 0's. Can you help me please ?

One key problem is that:

if solutie:

is testing the truthiness of the function , which will always be True :

>>> bool(solutie)

rather than the truthiness of the value it returns; you should have:

if solutie():
        # ^ note parentheses

Also, none of your functions have arguments, so you rely entirely on variable scope for access. This is unwise, and makes the code very difficult to debug - you can't test any function in isolation. As a trivial example, compare:

def solutie():
    return k == n


def solutie(k, n):
    return k == n

With the former, testing is very difficult - what are k and n ? Where do they come from? With the latter, it's a simple matter of

assert solutie(1, 1)
assert not solutie(1, 2)

The main problem you have stems from this: because k is immutable, you always use the same value in every function other than back . Although you assign k += 1 in back , the other functions (eg valid ) are still using k == 0 from the outer scope. If you change every function to use explicit arguments and return values, eg:

 def successor(x, k, n):
     return True # use booleans rather than 0 or 1

     avemsuccesor = succesor(x, k, n) 

You will quickly find that k goes out of range, causing an IndexError . I won't rewrite everything here - I will leave refactoring your code to pass values around explicitly and solving the errors that then crop up as an exercise for you.

The issue is that k is defined twice, once as 0 and once as 1. Inside valid, it chooses the global k = 0 but regardless, even k-1 is zero initially so valid() will return 1 on the first iteration. I don't understand the intention of this program but that is the reason it never gets to run successor() which actually modifies the vector's elements from zeros.

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