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Javascript: style.display:'block' doesn't work

any idea why this JavaScript just shows "block" and not the content of the (hidden) DIV?


<div id="mydiv" style="display:none">TEST</div>

<a href="javascript:document.getElementById('mydiv').style.display='block';">Show my DIV</a>


I also tried 'inline' but with the same result.

return false/true also failed.

onclick='' also failed.

I know there is style.visibility etc. but i need none/block.

Also the function should work inside the link, i don't want to call an external JS-function.


Because you want to use an onclick event handler, not the href attribute:

<a href="#" onclick="document.getElementById('mydiv').style.display='block';">Show my DIV</a>

jsFiddle example

(side note: inline JavaScript is usually frowned upon)

The value of the javascript expression


is the string 'block' - think of the way you can do a=b='something' - in javascript the value of an assignment expression is the assigned value.

If you try

<a href="javascript:'howdy'">link</a>

You'll find clicking the link navigates to a document containing just the word howdy - and the same thing is happening with your code. You can stop this happening by adding an explicit void(0) , or by wrapping the code in an immediately-invoked function expression that doesn't return a value (ie implicitly returns undefined ), so:

<a href="javascript:(function(){document.getElementById('mydiv').style.display='block';})()">

(This structure is commonly used in bookmarklets). However, as several comments have already pointed out, in general the use of javascript: hrefs is frowned upon, and you should consider using event handling instead.

This code describes your problem: http://jsbin.com/jigiy/1

<div id="mydiv" style="display:none">TEST</div>
<a href="javascript:document.getElementById('mydiv').style.display='block',false;">Show my DIV</a>

Why is this happening:

Javascript setters return the value input, so document.getElementById('mydiv').style.display='block' will return 'block' , which is equal to href="javascript:'block'" . Now it refers to about:blank and sets its content to block .

I'm not sure why the browsers refer and set the content of about:blank , but i think this has something to do with data-urls.

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