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Update two models with one view not working in Yii?

Can anybody help me resolve my issue? I'm able to do create new records but I can't modify or update my existing records.

Here is my source code:

public function actionCreate() {
    $model = new Branchmaster;
    $user = new Usermaster;
    if(isset($_POST['Branchmaster'], $_POST['Usermaster'])) {
      $valid=$user->validate() && $valid;

  public function actionUpdate($id) {
    $user = Usermaster::model()->findByAttributes(array('branch_id'=>$model->Id));
    if(isset($_POST['Branchmaster'], $_POST['Usermaster'])) {

      $valid=$user->validate() && $valid;

I need help for this problem... Thanks in advance!

Instead of find 'findByAttr' so that will be

// pls note tht $id must be a primary key of this particular model

$user = Usermaster::model()->findByPk($id);

// If the situation don't allow a primary key then we can go for query execution

$update = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()
->update('usermaster', array('field1'=>'value','field2'=>'value2'),

You have to check if id is exited than u have to do update...

use findByPk to load model...

than do process to same is above here is sample code. you have to implement like these

         $user_post = $_POST['Usermaster'];
         $id = $user_post['id'];
         $user =  ModelName::model()->findByPk($id); 
         $user->variable_name = $variable_value

         $valid=$user->validate() && $valid;


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