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Laravel controller method not found

Trying to run the following Laravel 4.1 route: http://myserver.dev/admin/import-items/1

When I do so, I get the following error:

Symfony \ Component \ HttpKernel \ Exception \ NotFoundHttpException
Controller method not found.

Here are my routes for this:

Route::group(array('prefix' => 'admin', 'before' => 'auth'), function()
    Route::get('items/import-items/{after?}', array('as' => 'importItems', 'uses' => 'ItemsController@importItems'));

    Route::get('items/{id}/show', 'ItemsController@show');
    Route::resource('items', 'ItemsController');

I can look at the Items controller, and the method importItems is most definitely there:

class ItemsController extends \BaseController {

     * Item Model
     * @var Item
    protected $item;

     * Inject the models.
     * @param Item $item
    public function __construct(Item $item)

        $this->item = $item;

     * Display a listing of items
     * @return Response
    public function index($items = [])
        $title = Lang::get('admin/items/title.manage_items');

        if (empty($items))
            $items = $this->item;

        return View::make('admin/items/index', compact('items', 'title'));

     * Imports Items after specified date.
     * @return array
    public function importItems($after = 7)

        $results = Item::importItems($after);

        return $results;

When I run php artisan routes the route clearly shows up as usable in the list:

GET|HEAD admin/items/import-items/{after?} | importItems   | ItemsController@importItems

The thing is, this exact code works just fine from another project I had it in. After I copied over the route settings and the controller and model, it decided not to work in this new project. I feel like I've missed some key step here because I can't see any differences in the code.

Any ideas?

You are using the wrong url. This url:


should be this instead



Route::get('items/import-items/{after?}', array('as' => 'importItems', 'uses' => 'ItemsController@importItems'));

should be

Route::get('import-items/{after?}', array('as' => 'importItems', 'uses' => 'ItemsController@importItems'));

...depends which url you want

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