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jquery - get selected dropdown value on document ready

I want to loop through my page and find every dropdown menu with a specific ID. I have no problem accessing the options collection of a dropdown but not the default selected value when the page first loads.

I have this dropdown which is in a loop:

@Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.InterviewSchedules[location.InterviewDates.IndexOf(date)].ChairId, new SelectList(ChairList, "InterviewerId", "FullDetails"), new {id = "ddlInterviewer" })

Here is my js which is in an external script:

 $("#InterviewManagementFrm #ddlInterviewer > option").each(function () {
        var lastChar = this.text.substr(this.text.length - 1);
        if (lastChar == 'A') {
            //            this.text = this.text.slice(0, this.text.length - 1);
        else if (lastChar == 'P') {
            //            this.text = this.text.slice(0, this.text.length - 1);

I want to add a class to every dropdown item on the page. The addClass is used to stylize the dropdown item with a different color.


In my screenshot only unselected items have a color. That's because of the javascript adding the class. I want to add a class to the values that are selected by default on page load.

You can use the :selected http://api.jquery.com/selected-selector/

$("#InterviewManagementFrm #ddlInterviewer > option").each(function () {
    var lastChar = this.text.substr(this.text.length - 1);
    if (lastChar == 'A') {
        if( $(this).is(':selected') ) {
            // add class
        } else {
    else if (lastChar == 'P') {
        if( $(this).is(':selected') ) {
            // add class
        } else {

You can also directly target the selected

$("#InterviewManagementFrm #ddlInterviewer > option:selected")

if #ddlInterviewer is the id of the select then you don't need > also ID should be unique

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