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Streaming audio from Parse.com – no data retrieved?

I am attempting to use Parse.com's data service to stream a set of audio files to an iOS app that I'm developing. Unfortunately, I'm running into a problem retrieving the data using Parse's API – the data that I retrieve, whether I attempt to stream it or not, always has a size of 0 bytes.

I am currently retrieving the PFObject using its ObjectID, retrieving the object audio file as a PFFile, and converting the file to a URL to be loaded into an audio player for streaming. The debugger reveals that the PFFile has a file size of zero bytes, however, and so the URL probably also points to nothing.

Querying Parse using a callback routine:

PFQuery *query = [PFQuery queryWithClassName:@"StopAudio"];
[query getObjectInBackgroundWithId:[newStop objectID]

Using the PFObject produced by the query:

PFFile *audioFile = stopAudioObject[@"audioFile"];
NSString *filePath = [audioFile url];
[audioPlayer loadPlayerWith:[NSURL URLWithString:filePath]];

The audioPlayer object is a wrapper around an AVPlayer object.

Is there someway that I could stream this data or at least retrieve it from Parse in some other way?

The problem that I was experiencing has mysteriously disappeared and I'm at a loss for what could have caused it. Although I might have received 0-bytes if there was an issue with the network on the machine that I was running the simulator on, no errors were logged.

But it does work. Another X-File, I suppose.

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