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FPDF with jQuery AJAX and window.open to open pdf on click of a link

I have a form, from this form I am using jquery AJAX to post the values to FPDF to store a pdf on the server, I then want the browser to open the pdf in a new tab using window.open(url, '_blank'), the window opens but the pdf is not loaded, I am left with the spinning loading icon forever, also upon reading the url with PHP's function is_dir() it returns false.. But the file is there in the FTP client and I can download it and read it.

Below is the page with the form:


    jQuery('.getPdf').live('click', function(event){


        var catId = jQuery(this).attr("id");



            type: "POST",

            url: "/wp-content/themes/weld-wide/ajax-post-to-pdf.php",



                window.open(url, '_blank');




Below is the ajax file that handles the creation of the pdf:

require ('fpdf/fpdf.php');//including the main class

//create FPDF object
$pdf=new FPDF();

//set document properties
$pdf->SetAuthor('Weld Wide');
$pdf->SetTitle('Weld Wide Metal Work');

//set text colour for the entire document

//set up a page

//insert an image and make it a link
//$pdf->Image('../images/logo.png',10,20,33,0,' ','http://www.weld-wide.co.uk/');

//display the title with a border around it
//$pdf->Cell(100,10,'FPDF Tutorial',1,0,'C',0);


//Set x and y position for the main text, reduce font size and write content
$pdf->SetXY (10,50);

$pdf->Write(10, "Listed below are your selections for your metal work:\n");


foreach($_POST as $k => $v) {

$pdf->Multicell(0,7,str_replace('_',' ',$k)." : ".str_replace('-',' ',$v)."\n");


$rand = rand(1,1000000);

//Output the document F means save to server, D for download window popup

$url = "http://www.".$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]."/wp-content/themes/weld-wide/"."fpdf/temp_pdf/weld-wide-gate".$rand.".pdf";

echo $url;

you don't need this line

$url = "http://www.".$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]."/wp-content/themes/weld-wide/"."fpdf/temp_pdf/weld-wide-gate".$rand.".pdf";

echo $url;

just remove it and add this to last line




and it will look like this




hope this will help you

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