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PHP date and time from an xml import

I have an xml file where the date stored in this format:

<sun rise="2014-05-30T02:51:30" set="2014-05-30T18:31:22"/>

My php process this value to a variable named $sunrise


But my timezone is +2 so I have to add 2 more hours.

The only problem with this its just a string. I dont have any idea to how to convert it to date.

Since you already got the time inside that element (2014-05-30T02:51:30) you could just use strtotime() or alternatively, you could also use DateTime + DateInterval to add 2 more hours. Consider this example:

$sunrise = '2014-05-30T02:51:30';

$date = new DateTime($sunrise);
$date->add(new DateInterval('PT2H'));
echo $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
// outputs: 2014-05-30 04:51:30

echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($sunrise . ' +2 hours'));
// outputs: 2014-05-30 04:51:30

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