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Can't connect to MySQL database hosted in CloudBees

I have a free CloudBees account and created a free ClearDB database using their wizards. My trouble is when I use their connection information (whether I try to connect from my Java app, or an outside tool - SQLyog to be exact) I take the error: Access denied for user 'b51dbc5757d79f'@'%' to database 'mywiki.

The username provided by CloudBees does not contain those extra characters that the error message is displaying which seems like it would be a problem, but I'm not sure there is anything I can do about that since everything is configured for me. The username I am given is: b51dbc5757d79f - which I can delete and rebuild after sharing here :)

To diagnosis this best way is to be sure you use the right username and password when you connect through a MySQL client like MySQLWorkbench. For that you can use the CloudBees SDK and to use the db:info command.

bees db:info -p DATABASE_NAME

Be sure you don't have any firewall or proxy in the middle of the connection.

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