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Trying to solve this Notice: Undefined variable

Im trying to update my table news dynamically.

And its working fine, but I want to show in my form the current values ​​that my news has, so Im using inside my value = <?php echo $read['title'] ; ?> <?php echo $read['title'] ; ?>

But with date, Im getting two errors:

Im getting this error inside my input: Notice: Undefined variable: spanish and Undefined variable: english

I understand erros, but I wanted to ask you, if you know how I can solve this, I know if I repeat definition of my variables "spanish and english" inside my date value, it works, but it not seems correct to repeat this variables.

Do you know how I con solve this using only one definition for $english and $spanish variables??

    $f['title'] = $_POST['title'];
    $f['date'] = $_POST['date'];

    echo 'Fill all fields';


    $english = array(); //here I have some words
    $spanish = array();
    $result_date = str_ireplace ($english , $spanish, $f['date']);
    $date = DateTime::createFromFormat('l, j F, Y', $result_date);
    $date = $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); 

    $update = $pdo->prepare("UPDATE news set title=:title, date=:date WHERE id = :id");
    $update->bindValue(':title', $f['title']);
    $update->bindValue(':date', $date); 
    $update->bindValue(':id', '20');


<form  action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <label class="line">
    <input type="text" name="title" value="<?php echo $read['title'] ; ?>" />

    <label class="line">
    <input type="text" name="date" value="
        $date = new DateTime($read['date']);
        $result_date = str_ireplace($spanish , $english, $date->format('l, j F, Y'));
        echo $result_date;
    ?>" />

    <input type="submit" value="Submit" name="sendForm"/>

    $english = array(); //define at first because if you post the variables are unset
    $spanish = array();
        $f['title'] = $_POST['title'];
        $f['date'] = $_POST['date'];
            echo 'Fill all fields';
        $result_date = str_ireplace ($english , $spanish, $f['date']);
        $date = DateTime::createFromFormat('l, j F, Y', $result_date);
        $date = $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); 
        $update = $pdo->prepare("UPDATE news set title=:title, date=:date WHERE id = :id");
        $update->bindValue(':title', $f['title']);
        $update->bindValue(':date', $date); 
        $update->bindValue(':id', '20');


Notices you can off through php.ini file or just use the error_reporting(0); but make sure here this will not showing any other error. you can enable this after the site will goes to live. may this help you!

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