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$facebook->api('/me') shows me NULL value

I am trying to run this Facebook Graph API to connect my website with Facebook. But everytime I login with Facebook, index.php page doesn't change. It doesn't display any information from Facebook. When I used var_dump, it showed me NULL both the times.

Here is the code:

$user = $facebook->getUser();


        //get the facebook user profile data
        $user_profile = $facebook->api('/me');
        Facebook::$CURL_OPTS[CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER] = false; 
        $params = array('next' => $base_url.'logout.php');
        //logout url
        $logout =$facebook->getLogoutUrl($params);
    }catch(FacebookApiException $e){
        $user = NULL;


Have you ever follow step by step the documentation from Facebook API?

use Facebook\FacebookRequest;
use Facebook\GraphUser;
use Facebook\FacebookRequestException;

if($session) {

  try {

    $user_profile = (new FacebookRequest(
      $session, 'GET', '/me'

    echo "Name: " . $user_profile->getName();

  } catch(FacebookRequestException $e) {

    echo "Exception occured, code: " . $e->getCode();
    echo " with message: " . $e->getMessage();



Source: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/php/howto/profilewithgraphapi/4.0.0

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