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Antlr4 grammar left recursive error

I am having quite a problem with antlr4 right now.
Whenever I try to feed antlr with this RPN grammar

 grammar UPN;


    expression : plus | minus | mult | div | NUMBER;  
    plus : expression expression '+';  
    minus : expression expression '-';  
    mult : expression expression '*';  
    div : expression expression '/';  

    NUMBER : '-'? ('0'..'9')+;  

antlr will throw an error because plus,minus,mult and div are mutually left recursive.
I dont know how to fix that.
(I know this occurs because with this grammar "expression" could be infinitely looped, I have had this problem before with another grammar, but i could fix that on my own)

My only solution would be to restrict the grammar in the following way

grammar UPN;


expression : plus | minus | mult | div | NUMBER;
exp2 : plus2 | minus2 | mult2 | div2 | NUMBER;
plus : exp2 exp2'+';
minus : exp2 exp2'-';
mult: exp2 exp2'*';
div: exp2 exp2'/';
plus2 : NUMBER NUMBER '+';
minus2 : NUMBER  NUMBER '-';
mult2: NUMBER  NUMBER '*';
div2: NUMBER  NUMBER '/';

NUMBER : '-'? ('0'..'9')+;  

but this is not really what i want it to be, because now i could work at maximum with expressions like

2 3 + 5 4 - *

and the grammar would be more complex than it actually could be.
Hope you guys can help me

ANTLR4 only supports "direct" left recursive rules, not "indirect", as you have them.

Try something like this:

grammar RPN;

parse : expression EOF;

 : expression expression '+'
 | expression expression '-'
 | expression expression '*'
 | expression expression '/'

NUMBER : '-'? ('0'..'9')+;

SPACES : [ \t\r\n] -> skip;

Btw, 23+54-* is not a valid RPN expression: it must start with two numbers.

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