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angular-ui-router : breadcrumps ok but view ko

this is my app.router.js :

 agentRouter.config([ '$stateProvider', '$urlRouterProvider', function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) { var root = { name: 'root', abstract: true, url: '', title: 'home', views: { 'header': { templateUrl: 'views/headers/header.app.html', controller: 'HeaderCtrl' }, 'body': { templateUrl: "views/root.html" }, 'footer': { templateUrl: 'views/footers/footer.app.html' } } }; var agent = { name: 'root.agent', url: '/agent', title: 'agent', views: { 'root.sidebar': { templateUrl: "views/main.sidebar.html" }, 'root.container': { templateUrl: "views/partials/agent/list.container.html" } } }; var detail = { name: 'root.agent.detail', url: '/detail/:id', title: 'agentDetail', // use for breadcrumb views: { 'root.sidebar': { templateUrl: "views/main.sidebar.html" }, 'root.container': { templateUrl: "views/partials/agent/list.chantier.html" } } }; /.../ $stateProvider.state(root); $stateProvider.state(agent); $stateProvider.state(detail); } ]); 

and this is my root.html :

<!--Breadcrumb content-->

<ul class="row breadcrumb">
    <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-home" style=""></i>
    <li ng-repeat="state in $state.$current.path">
        <a ng-href="#{{state.url.format($stateParams)}}"><span ng-bind="state.title"></span></a>
        <span ng-hide="$last" class=""></span>

 <!--Sidebar content-->
 <div ui-view="root.sidebar">default root.sidebar</div>

    <!--Container content-->
   <div style="background-color: #f9f9f9" ui-view="root.container">default root.container</div>

I can access to my "agent" page (a list of person) and my breadcrumb is right : home / agent

but when i click on an item of the list i got always the same page but my breadcrumb is right : home / agent / agentDetail

but in app.router.js if change detail like this :

var detail = { name: 'root.detail', // référence initiale + detail (fils) url: '/agent/detail/:id', // réference utilisée dans les fichiers HTML, attention c'est la suite de l'url précédente!!! title: 'agentDetail', // référence utilisée pour le breadcump views: { 'root.sidebar': { templateUrl: "views/main.sidebar.html" }, 'root.container': { templateUrl: "views/partials/agent/list.chantier.html" } } };

i got the right page (list.chantier.xml) but the breadcrumb is false :

home / agentDetail instead of home / agent / agentDetail

I would like to got the right breadcrumb (home / agent / agentDetail) with the right page (list.chantier.html) when i click on an item of the agent list page (list.container.html)

Thank you in advance for your help

by renaming the state to 'root.detail' you attach the detail state to the root state. So it's normal to have 'home / agentDetail' in the breadcrumb.

Take a look on angular-breadcrumb module. Among interesting features (like interpolation in breadcrumb's labels), there is an option to change the parent of the state (only for the breadcrumb).

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