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How to add a dynamic add background-image in knockoutjs binding?

I am using knockout.js to bind the li elements

as per following :

<ul class="grid" data-bind="foreach: articledashboard">
    <li data-bind="style: { background-image: url(AuthorImage)}">
        <label data-bind="attr: { title: Title }, text: Title"></label>

My requirement is to set background image of li element, but my code is not working

Can you give me correct syntax?

Use backgroundImage instead of background-image , and set the value as a string:

<li data-bind="style: { backgroundImage: 'url(' + AuthorImage() + ')'}">

See the documentation


As RP Niemeyer pointed out, you can also use 'background-image' :

<li data-bind="style: { 'background-image': 'url(' + AuthorImage() + ')'}">

Note that this supposes that AuthorImage is an observable. If it is not, use AuthorImage .


<div style="width:100%;height:100%;"  
    data-bind='style:{ background: "url(" + image_url() + ") center/cover"} '


    function ViewModel(){
        var self = this;
        self.image_url = ko.observable("");

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