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<script> tags not executing in ajax response

i am having the same problem as faced by many that the script tags are not executed in the jquery ajax response and i already tried the solutions with the 'eval()' method and similar but none is working.Is there any other way to accomplish this. i am sending a ajax request to a file cart.php from home.php



    success: function(data)

i am actually converting a php array to a javascript array inside cart.php file like this:


 processing code here...

    foreach ($res as $a) {
    $string .= "\"" . $a . "\", ";
    $final = substr($string, 0 ,(strlen($string) - 2));
<script>var j = new Array(<?php echo $final; ?>);</script>

Returned data at home.php inside data variable:

<script>var j = new Array("4", "2928", "6708");</script>

Now i just want the elements of this array but it is returning the whole line at the calling file inside the 'success' function..how do i extract the values at the calling file?Any help?

You want to use JSON. Instead of returning the script, you can use json_encode .

 echo json_encode($final);

Then to convert the JSON back to an array you can do in JS:

 var result=JSON.parse(data);

result is now a normal JS array containing the same data as in $final .

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