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Symfony2 - Problems with mapping object in field form

Objective has one Perspective

class Objective{
    public function setPerspective(\Cboujon\BSCBundle\Entity\Pespective $perspective = null)
        $this->perspective = $perspective;

        return $this;


            targetEntity: Perspective
            inversedBy: objectives
                name: perspective_id
                referencesColumn: id


 public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)

Symfony2 renders a form with combobox with all perspectives. That is ok! butn when I submit the create form I get the error:

ContextErrorException: Catchable Fatal Error: Argument 1 passed to Cboujon\\BSCBundle\\Entity\\Objective::setPerspective() must be an instance of Cboujon\\BSCBundle\\Entity\\Pespective, instance of Cboujon\\BSCBundle\\Entity\\Perspective given, called in /home/cristhian/php_apps/Symfony/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/PropertyAccess/PropertyAccessor.php on line 376 and defined in /home/cristhian/php_apps/Symfony/src/Cboujon/BSCBundle/Entity/Objective.php line 63

Note: I also try:

        $builder->add('perspective', 'entity', array(
                'class' => 'CboujonBSCBundle:Perspective',

But I get the same error.

Note2: If I remove \\Cboujon\\BSCBundle\\Entity\\Pespective from setPerspective definition I can submit the form OK.

What am I doing wrong?

iThere is a typo in your Entity setter when specifying the argument type:

public function setPerspective(\Cboujon\BSCBundle\Entity\Pespective $perspective = null)
    $this->perspective = $perspective;

    return $this;

Not \\Cboujon\\BSCBundle\\Entity\\ Pespective , but \\Cboujon\\BSCBundle\\Entity\\ Perspective

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