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Is there anyway to make this div come back when you scroll to top again

So i got this div animate out of the page perfectly but whenever i scroll back up it's still out of the page i tried an if/else statement but it doesn't come back, anyone could help me with this?

Thanks in advance!

        if ($(window).scrollTop() > 300){
            $('.offer').stop().animate({ top: '+= 10' }, 10, "linear");
        else if ($(window).scrollTop() < 300){
            $('.offer').stop().animate({ top: '-=10' }, 10, "linear");

The problem is that you are adding or removing 10 from the position every single time a scroll event is fired.

What you should do instead is have a flag, such as isFurtherThan300 , which keeps track of whether the position is before or after your cutoff.

Then, perform the animation only if isFurtherThan300 changes.

Try this following code

 //Keep track of last scroll
  var lastScroll = 0;
    var st = $(window).scrollTop();
    if (st > lastScroll){
        $('.offer').stop(true).animate({ top: '+= 100px' }, 10, "linear");
        $('.offer').stop().animate({ top: '-=100px' }, 10, "linear");
    //Updates scroll position
    lastScroll = st;

Hope it helps!

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