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Calling a plugin .on() load using jQuery

I am calling some jQuery plugins that attaches themselves to element on DOM ready. These plugins manipulate the DOM when certain events has occurred (click, change etc,)


Above works fine on DOM ready. However, if I'm loading some HTML from an AJAX call I have to use .on() to guarantee events gets bound consistently.

The question is which event I should bind the plugin to? I have tried below and it doesn't seem to respond.

  $("body").on("load", "input[type='checkbox']", function(){

Here's the checkbox() plugin I'm referring to above. If that's any help. :)

'use strict';

define(['jquery'], function($){

    return function(){

        $.fn.checkbox = function (options) {
            options = options || {};

            var defaults = {
                'className': 'jquery-checkbox',
                'checkedClass': 'jquery-checkbox-on'

            var settings = jQuery.extend(defaults, options);
            return this.each(function () {
                var self = jQuery(this);

                var replacement = jQuery(
                    '<span class="' + settings.className + '-wrapper">' +
                    '<a class="' + settings.className + '" href="#" name="' + self.attr('id') + '"></a>' +
                var element = jQuery('a', replacement);

                if (self.prop('checked')) {

                element.on('click', function (event) {

                    var input = jQuery('input#' + jQuery(this).attr('name'), replacement.parent());
                    if (input.prop('checked')) {
                    } else {
                        input.prop('checked', true);

                    return false;

                element.on('focusin', function (event) {

                element.on('focusout', function (event) {

                element.on("keypress", function(e){
                    if ( e.which === 32 ){ self.prop('checked', !self.prop('checked')).change(); }

                self.on('change', function (event) {
                    var input = jQuery(this);
                    if (input.prop('checked')) {
                        jQuery('a[name=' + input.attr('id') + ']', replacement.parent()).addClass(settings.checkedClass);
                    } else {
                        jQuery('a[name=' + input.attr('id') + ']', replacement.parent()).removeClass(settings.checkedClass);
                    return true;

                    'position': 'absolute',
                    'top': '-200px',
                    'left': '-10000px'

You appear to want to apply add-ins to elements that have been loaded dynamically. That is not what 'on' is for.

Delegated events listen for specific events (like "click") at a parent/ancestor element then filter the possible recipients, then executes the supplied function against any matching elements that caused the event.

You actually need to apply the add-in code after your Ajax load completes.


In the success part of your ajax load, apply the addin:


If you loaded a specific part of the screen (likely), then target the selector at that element:


$("#myloadcontainer input[type='checkbox']").checkbox();

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