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Django Ajax POST normal response - but AJAX think's there is an error

Here is a sample response:

  200: {"timestamp": 1402348389.349506, "messages": {"b": "more not working", "c": "i get it already", "a": "not working"}}WTF???   

Here is the AJAX.

 this.pollForUpdates = function() {
                     url:"{% url 'message_poller' %}",
                     data: {'lastmessage_received': this.last_received, 'address': this.getAddressJson() },
                     success : function(json) { doSomething(json)},
                     error : function(xhr,errmsg,err) {
                     alert(xhr.status + ": " + xhr.responseText + 'WTF???'); },

Return in view:

response = json.dumps({'messages': {"a": "not working", "b": "more not working", "c": "i get it already"}, "timestamp": time.time() }) 
    return HttpResponse(response, content_type='application/javascript') 

So I'm pretty much stumped here. All of my other AJAX POST calls work fine with the same HttpResponse.

To return for a JSON request:

return HttpResponse(response, content_type="application/json")

To return for a JSONP request:

return HttpResponse(response, content_type="application/javascript")

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