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ftp_login authentication fails

I have something set up like this (only the names have changed):

$connection = ftp_connect('hostname.com') or die('Connection failure');
$login_result = ftp_login($connection, 'username', 'password');

This outputs the error:

ftp_login(): Authentication failed. in /path/to/file.php

Copy-pasting from my PHP into an FTP client like Cyberduck succeeds. The resource $connection seems to exist because otherwise it should die before the ftp_login line. I'm 100% sure that I have the correct username and password (as evidenced by the Cyberduck test).

The only thing that throws alarm bells in my head is that I know PHP handles strings differently when there's an @ symbol at the front, and my password may or may not have one or more symbols in it.


Since Cyberduck is on my work machine and PHP is running on AWS, I decided to run two tests to narrow down the possibilities. I set up an SSH tunnel:

ssh -L 11111:foo.com:21 adam@foo.com

And ran Cyberduck on adam@localhost:11111 , getting this error message in console:

channel 3: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused

Inconclusive results to me.

So I brought over the 2 lines of PHP script to my machine, and got Authentication failed again. So it looks like a PHP problem...

It turns out that the problem was the password. I don't know why it's an issue, but having an ampersand ( & ) as the first character of the password was throwing things off. Changing the password to something that didn't have a leading ampersand worked.

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