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How to disable clickable the form with Dropzone.js?

I'm using Dropzone.js to upload files to the server. I setting up my Dropzone maxFiles parameter to 10 and I was tried this:

    maxFiles: 10,
    init: function() {
        this.on('maxfilesreached', function() {

...but not working. What is the solution to remove clickable from .dropzone or any other way to prevent user to add more files?

Why do not you just use CSS to disable the click event. When max files is reached, Dropzone will automatically add a class of dz-max-files-reached .

Use css to disable click on dropzone:

.dz-max-files-reached {
  pointer-events: none;
  cursor: default;

This works PERFECTLY!!! and works on 4.0.1

//disable the click of your clickable area

//enalbe the click of your clickable area
myDropzone.on('maxfilesreached', function() {
myDropzone.on('removedfile', function (file) {

Don't forget init _updateMaxFilesReachedClass if you have files from your server.


There is an option field on the Dropzone object called clickable that defaults to true .

Depending on your scenario you can either set this to false when you register your Dropzone instance or you can update the value at runtime as needed.

最简单的方法是: myDropzone.disable();

If clickable option is set to true , the dropzone element itself will be clickable, if false nothing will be clickable.

You can also pass an HTML element, a CSS selector (for multiple elements) or an array of those. In that case, all of those elements will trigger an upload when clicked.

var myDropzone = new Dropzone("div.dropzone", { url: "/file/post", clickable: false });

Here we go, updated based on comments below.

How to disable the dropzone "click to open file dialog box" event when maxFiles is reached:

    maxFiles: 10,
    init: function() {
        this.on('maxfilesreached', function() {
            $('.dropzone').removeClass('dz-clickable'); // remove cursor
            $('.dropzone')[0].removeEventListener('click', this.listeners[1].events.click);

I don't know how reliable the "1" in this.listeners[1] is, but that's where the click event function lives in my current dropzone configuration.

This is how I achieved this:

$('.dz-message').html('<span class="text-center"><span class="font-lg visible-xs-block visible-sm-block visible-lg-block"><span class="font-lg"><i class="fa fa-caret-right text-danger"></i><i>Maximum uploads have been reached</i></span></span></span>');
$('.dropzone')[0].removeEventListener('click', myDropzone.listeners[1].events.click);
$('.dropzone')[0].removeEventListener('drop', myDropzone.listeners[0].events.drop);
$('.dropzone')[0].removeEventListener('dragstart', myDropzone.listeners[0].events.dragstart);
$('.dropzone')[0].removeEventListener('dragenter', myDropzone.listeners[0].events.dragenter);
$('.dropzone')[0].removeEventListener('dragover', myDropzone.listeners[0].events.dragover);
$('.dropzone')[0].removeEventListener('dragleave', myDropzone.listeners[0].events.dragleave);
$('.dropzone')[0].removeEventListener('dragend', myDropzone.listeners[0].events.dragend);

The Dropzone object has clickable field. That default value is true.

Depending on your scenario you can either set this to false.

     maxFiles: 10,
     clickable: false,
     init: function() {


@XuDing's Answer works like a charm, but I had an edge case where I wanted to keep remove links working so adding an extended solution for that.

Add below CSS classes

.dz-max-files-reached {
    pointer-events: none;
    cursor: default;
.dz-remove { 
    pointer-events: all; cursor: default; 

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