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phpunit2 “Not tests executed”

Hey i got a little problem.

If i use phpunit i can run my test but if i try to use phpunit2 it doesnt work.

It seems like it cant find the tests.

I only get the message: "No Tests executed".

I'm using xamp with pear 1.9.4, php 5.5.9 zend 2.5.0.

The files are in the xampp/php folder where the phpunit.bat is.


class BankAccount {
  private $fBalance = 0;

  public function getBalance() {
    return $this->fBalance;

  public function setBalance($balance) {
    if ($balance >= 0) {
      $this->fBalance = $balance;

  public function depositMoney($amount) {
    if (is_numeric($amount) &&
      $amount >= 0) {
      $this->fBalance += $amount;

  public function withdrawMoney($amount) {
    if (is_numeric($amount) &&
      $amount >= 0 &&
      $this->fBalance >= $amount) {
      $this->fBalance -= $amount;


require_once 'BankAccount.php'; // zu testende Klasse
require_once 'PHPUnit2/Framework/TestCase.php'; // Einbinden der Pear-Klasse

class BankAccountTest extends PHPUnit2_Framework_TestCase {
  public function testBalanceIsInitiallyZero() {
    $ba = new BankAccount;
    $this->assertEquals(0, $ba->getBalance());

  public function testBalanceCannotBecomeNegative() {
    $ba = new BankAccount;
    $this->assertEquals(0, $ba->getBalance());

    $ba = new BankAccount;
    $this->assertEquals(0, $ba->getBalance());

Any help highly appreciated!..

This is a quote from PHP Cookbook by Adam Trachtenberg and David Sklar, Page 619:

PHPUnit2 is for PHP5 only, whereas PHPUnit will work under PHP5 or PHP4.

In conclusion: You can use PHPUnit2_Framework_TestCase to test your code. But for simplicity, and because of the problems you have now, just use PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase .

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