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NSPredicate for NSNumber Contains NSNumber (as NSString)

Simple approach: I have a SearchView where the user can select some CoreDate and he can search for Name , City (both NSString ) and Clientnumber ( NSNumber )

NSPredicate *resultPredicate = [NSPredicate
                                predicateWithFormat:@"Name contains[cd] %@ OR City contains[cd] %@",

This is my predicate for Name and City, but how can I search for a searchquery within an NSNumber field?

So if I would search for 300 , it should return entries with Clientnumber : 300123 and 1230012, because both contains the 300 .

So, how can I do this? Is it possible to "convert" the value for Clientnumber within the NSPredicate to NSString ?

You should be able to use CAST(Clientnumber, 'NSString') contains[cd] %@ to do this search:

NSPredicate *resultPredicate = [NSPredicate
                            predicateWithFormat:@"Name contains[cd] %@ OR City contains[cd] %@ OR CAST(Clientnumber, 'NSString') contains[cd] %@",

I found that dasblineklight's answer wouldn't work for me in a core data search using an NSFetchedResultsController . What DID work however was passing number.description as the name of the property, so for this specific case that would be:

NSPredicate *resultPredicate = [NSPredicate
                                predicateWithFormat:@"Name contains[cd] %@ OR City contains[cd] %@ OR Clientnumber.description contains[cd] %@",
                                searchText, searchText, searchText];

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