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Add view to open Window in titanium

I have 3 views: v1.xml, v2.xml, v3.xml. v1.xml has a button B1. When user clicks button B1, it opens v2.xml. v2.xml has another button B2. When user clicks button B2, it opens v3.xml.

I created a window in v1.xml. When I click on button B2, I want to add view v3 to the existing window and I do not want to create a new window. I am unable to use the window reference that I created in v1.xml as I am working in v2.xml file now.

My code:


   <Window id="main_window">
      <View id="v1">
         <Button id="B1" />


    <View id="v2">
        <Button id="B2" />


    <View id="v3">
        <Label id="l3" text="test label"/>


$b1.addEventListener('click', function() {
    var view = Alloy.createController("V2").getView();


$.b2.addEventListener('click', function(){
   var view = Alloy.createController("V3").getView();
   //Add this view to main_window

  1. You have to pass referance to window created in V1 when you are creating V2 controller:


     $b1.addEventListener('click', function() { var view = Alloy.createController("V2", { main_window: $.main_window }).getView(); $.main_window.remove(v1); $.main_window.add(view); }); 


     var args = arguments[0] || {}; var main_window = args.main_window; $.b2.addEventListener('click', function(){ var view = Alloy.createController("V3").getView(); main_window.add(view); }); 
  2. Or you can create just one event listener and pass it as argument:


     var currentView; var replaceViews = function(view) { currentView && $.main_window.remove(currentView); $.main_window.add(view); currentView = view; } $.b1.addEventListener('click', function() { var view = Alloy.createController('V2', { delegate: replaceViews }).getView(); replaceViews(view); }); 


     var args = arguments[0] || {}; var replaceViews = args.delegate; $.b2.addEventListener('click', function() { var view = Alloy.createController('V3').getView(); replaceViews(view); }); 
  3. The last option would be setting $.main_window to Alloy.Globals and creating global function.

Here you can read more about passing arguments to Alloy Controller and Alloy.Globals .

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