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Routing from one view to another controller's action method and passing a parameter to that controller's constructor

I'm creating my first C# MVC site and quite early on I've hit a roadblock where I'm not sure if I'm going about things entirely the wrong way and I can't find an example similar to my own online but it seems like what I'm trying to do should be straightforward.

Basically, I have my initial controller (called ClientController) that sets up a list of clients and then displays them in my list view:

public class ClientController : Controller

    private readonly IClientManagerRepository _clientManagerRepository;

    public ClientController()
        : this(new EntityClientManagerRepository())

    public ClientController(IClientManagerRepository repository)
        _clientManagerRepository = repository;

    // GET: /Client/
    public ViewResult List()

        return View(_clientManagerRepository.GetAllClients());


Then in my view I have an action link where I want to route to my UserController, passing it the client name, so that it can build the list of users for that particular client.

@Html.ActionLink("View Admin Users","Index","User",new {clientName = item.ClientName},null)

This works with the following code:

public class UserController : Controller
    private IUserManagerRepository _userManagerRepository;

    // GET: /User/
    public ActionResult Index(string clientName)
        _userManagerRepository = new EntityUserManagerRepository(clientName);
        return View(_userManagerRepository.GetAllUsers());


And my list of users is displayed correctly in my view.

However, when I then add in my details action method it doesn't work because the _userManagerRepository isn't instantiated:

// GET: /User/Details/5
public ActionResult Details(int contactId)
    return View(_userManagerRepository.GetUser(contactId));

I would have to I guess pass in the clientname each time and re-instantiate my _userManagerRepository. That doesn't feel like a very good way though.

Ideally I'd like to create my _userManagerRepository in the constructor of my UserController. I've been looking into how I would do this so I'd have something like:

public class UserController : Controller

    private IUserManagerRepository _userManagerRepository;

    public UserController(string clientname)
        : this(new EntityUserManagerRepository(clientname))

    public UserController(IUserManagerRepository repository)
        _userManagerRepository = repository;

I've researched that I can create my own controller factory so that I can have a parameter in my userController constructor however I still don't understand how I would pass my clientname parameter form a view to my UserController.

If you want to instantiate Repository class in controller's constructor,you can use NInject , it's really nice approach to do it.

1-Install Ninject from Nuget 2-Create Repository Abstract for example ICustomerRepository

public abstract ICustomerRepository
   string GetCustomerName();

3-Create Repository for example CustomerRepository

public class CustomerRepository:ICustomerRepository
    string GetCustomerName()
       return ("John");


4-create CustomerControllerFactory Class

public class CustomControllerFactory : DefaultControllerFactory
        private static IKernel ninjectKernel;
        public CustomControllerFactory()
            ninjectKernel = new StandardKernel();

        protected override IController GetControllerInstance
            (System.Web.Routing.RequestContext requestContext, Type controllerType)
            if (controllerType == null)
                return (new Controllers.MessageController());
                return ((IController)ninjectKernel.Get(controllerType));

        public static void AddBindings(IKernel ninjectKernel)
            Common.DependencyInjection.DependencyManager.GetDependencyInjections().ForEach(current =>
                if (current.Abstract != null && current.Implementation != null)



I bind ICustomerRepository to CustomerRepository in upper code

5- Add below code to Application_Start

ControllerBuilder.Current.SetControllerFactory(new CustomControllerFactory());

6-Create New Controller

public class CustomerController:Controller
    public CustomerController(ICustomerRepository customerRepository)
       //customerRepository instantiate to CustomerRepostory Class automatically

it's Dependency Injection that i think useful for you


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