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How to apply css overflow property on specific content

I am applying overflow property for <form> , in form i used <legend> . Here the overflow is applying to whole form so if overflow needed scroll bar includes legend also. but I want the overflow has to be applying except legend tag. I mean in form along with legend i used table . I want overflow has to be apply only for table.

here is my fiddle,


my html is,

<table id="tab">

my css is,

  border: 1px #6A6A45 solid;
  height: 200px;
  overflow: auto;
  background-color:#efefef ;
  margin-bottom: 17px;


to apply overflow I tried like this but it didnt worked

#tab{ overlow: auto }

How can I solve this can anyone help me in this.

Wrap your table in a div and apply overflow to that.

Have a fiddle!


    <div id="scroll">
        <table id="tab">


#scroll {
    overflow: scroll;
    height: 140px;

You can wrap your table with a div element:

Working Demo

<div id="tab">

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