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Unable to start AWS EC2 instance with deltacloud

I am trying to manage a EC2 cloud instance with deltacloud API through curl . With the mock driver everything works fine: deltacloudd -i mock -r

curl --user "mockuser:mockpassword" ""
curl -X POST --user "mockuser:mockpassword" ""

But with EC2 I am unable to start a stopped instance: deltacloudd -i ec2 -P eu-west-1 -r -V

curl --user "accesskey:secretaccesskey" ""
curl -X POST --user "accesskey:secretaccesskey" ""

Returns: The required capability to execute this operation is missing

Deltacloud log output:

Listening on, CTRL+C to stop
D, [2014-06-25T10:47:34.149001 #3575] DEBUG -- : New Aws::Ec2 using per_thread-connection mode
D, [2014-06-25T10:47:34.150897 #3575] DEBUG -- : Opening new HTTPS connection to ec2.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com:443 - - [25/Jun/2014 10:47:34] "GET /api/instances?format=xml HTTP/1.1" ec2 eu-west-1 200 1628 0.6204 - - [25/Jun/2014 10:48:14] "POST /api/instances/i-NNNNNNNN/start?format=xml {} HTTP/1.1" ec2 eu-west-1 412 60 0.0077

Its therefore obvious that deltacloud process GET, but not forward the POST request to AWS .

The Problem also happens even by clicking the start button at the webinterface ( The accesskey and secretaccesskey are working fine with python-boto.

Can anyone suggest me whats wrong?

The short answer is, that you can not start a stopped Amazon EC2 instance with deltacloud in the current version 1.1.3 (2013-04-17). Perhaps there will be soon a newer version, but since Red Hat reduced their support the development of deltacloud slowed down.

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