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Having trouble implementing cookie save state to JQuery toggle

I've been coming up with a JQuery toggle with the help of Nicolas R that saves the state of the toggle using a cookie but am currently having trouble implementing it as it pulls in the same title for for all the buttons once activated.

Please find below:


    <a href="#" id="slide1">Slide Toggle +</a>
    <div id="slide1panel" style="display:none; background-color:#4CF;width:100px;height:200px;"></div>

    <a href="#" id="slide2">Slide Toggle +</a>
    <div id="slide2panel" style="display:none; background-color:#4CF;width:100px;height:200px;"></div>


$(document).ready(function() {
    // check the cookies when the page loads
    // 1st panel
    if ($.cookie('currentToggleslide1panel') === 'visible') {
        togglePanel($('#slide1panel'), $('#slide1'), true, 0);
    // 2nd panel
     if ($.cookie('currentToggleslide2panel') === 'visible') {
        togglePanel($('#slide2panel'), $('#slide2'), true, 0);

    //handle the clicking of the show/hide toggle button of the 1st panel
    $('#slide1').click(function() {
        //toggle the panel as required, base on current state
        if ($('#slide1').text() === "Slide Toggle +") {
            togglePanel($('#slide1panel'), $('#slide1'), true, 'slow');
        else {
            togglePanel($('#slide1panel'), $('#slide1'), false, 'slow');

     //handle the clicking of the show/hide toggle button of the 2nd panel
    $('#slide2').click(function() {
        //toggle the panel as required, base on current state
        if ($('#slide2').text() === "Slide Toggle +") {
            togglePanel($('#slide2panel'), $('#slide2'), true, 'slow');
        else {
            togglePanel($('#slide2panel'), $('#slide2'), false, 'slow');

function togglePanel(panel, button, show, toggleSpeed) {
    if(toggleSpeed > 0 || toggleSpeed === 'slow' || toggleSpeed === 'fast') {
    } else {

    if (show) {
        // Set a cookie containing the panel name
        $.cookie('currentToggle' + panel.attr('id'), 'visible', { path: '/' });
        button.text('Slide Toggle -');
    } else {
        // Set a cookie containing the panel name
        $.cookie('currentToggle' + panel.attr('id'), 'hidden', { path: '/' });
        button.text('Slide Toggle +');

JS Fiddle



I updated the referenced cookie script in your JS Fiddle (see external resources): it seems to work now. When I first tried the cookie was causing a bug. The text is changing independtly, can you check if you have a bug in the fiddle?

EDIT: new response: the text are different between the panels, in this sample I use the current text and replace the last character by a plus/minus symbol


$(document).ready(function() {
    // check the cookies when the page loads
    // 1st panel
    if ($.cookie('currentToggleslide1panel') === 'visible') {
        togglePanel($('#slide1panel'), $('#slide1'), 0);
    // 2nd panel
     if ($.cookie('currentToggleslide2panel') === 'visible') {
        togglePanel($('#slide2panel'), $('#slide2'), 0);

    //handle the clicking of the show/hide toggle button of the 1st panel
    $('#slide1').click(function() {
        //toggle the panel as required
        togglePanel($('#slide1panel'), $('#slide1'), 'slow');

     //handle the clicking of the show/hide toggle button of the 2nd panel
    $('#slide2').click(function() {
        //toggle the panel as required
        togglePanel($('#slide2panel'), $('#slide2'), 'slow');

function togglePanel(panel, button, toggleSpeed) {
    var panelPreviousStateVisible = panel.is(':visible');
    // Toggle the div
    if (toggleSpeed > 0 || toggleSpeed === 'slow' || toggleSpeed === 'fast') {
    } else {

    // Once toggled, set the cookie and the text
    if (!panelPreviousStateVisible) { 
        $.cookie('currentToggle' + panel.attr('id'), 'visible', { path: '/' });
        // Set the text by removing the last char and add a minus symbol
        button.text(button.text().slice(0,-1) + "-");
    } else {
         $.cookie('currentToggle' + panel.attr('id'), 'hidden', { path: '/' });
        // Set the text by removing the last char and add a plus symbol
        button.text(button.text().slice(0,-1) + "+");

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