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UIView transitionWithView swift syntax

Can some help me with the syntax of the transitionWithView in swift. in objective-c I would use it like so:

[UIView transitionWithView:[ self view ] duration:0.325 options:UIViewAnimationOptionCurveEaseOut animations:
     // do the transition
 ^( BOOL finished ){
    // cleanup after the transition

However I can not get the completion handler to work. thanks

it would be like this in Swift 5.x :

UIView.transition(with: self.view, duration: 0.325, options: .curveEaseInOut, animations: {

    // animation

}) { finished in

    // completion


I'd like to add to the accepted answer that you can pass multiple options into transitionWithView by passing an array like so:

Swift 3, 4, 5

UIView.transition(with: status, duration: 0.33, options:
       [.curveEaseOut, .transitionCurlDown], animations: {
       }, completion: {_ in
           //....transition completion
           delay(seconds: 2.0) {


Swift 2.0

 UIView.transitionWithView(status, duration: 0.33, options:
        [.CurveEaseOut, .TransitionCurlDown], animations: {
        }, completion: {_ in
            //....transition completion
            delay(seconds: 2.0) {


Swift 1.2

UIView.transitionWithView(status, duration: 0.33, options:
        .CurveEaseOut | .TransitionCurlDown, animations: {
        }, completion: {_ in
            //transition completion
            delay(seconds: 2.0) {


and of course you can use the fully qualified syntax like this as well:

[UIViewAnimationOptions.CurveEaseOut, UIViewAnimationOptions.TransitionCurlDown]

Swift 3

UIView.transition(with: someview,
               animations: {
                   // do something
           }, completion:{
               finished in
               // do something

the docs are a little tricky to find, but this should work:

                  options: options:UIViewAnimationOptions.CurveEaseOut,
               animations: {
               completion: {
                             finished in

You could use a trailing closure if you wanted for the completion handler, but I wouldn't in this case, it would be too messy/unclear.

But if you weren't going to pass an animations block, it would be borderline readable:

UIView.transitionWithView(self.view, duration:0.325, options: options:UIViewAnimationOptions.CurveEaseOut, animations: nil) {
    finished in

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