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change the background of this email template

I wanted to change the blue and grey background of this email template to an Image but can't seem to change it completely. Please help

This is the link to Html Code

I tried to edit the body tag but it doesn't change anything

<body leftmargin="0" marginwidth="0" topmargin="0" marginheight="0" offset="0"> 

Change the background-color from this css id/class :

#preheaderBackground , #templatePreheader , #headerBackground , #templateHeader

You can try this:


#templatePreheader, #templateHeader, 
.preheaderContainer{background:Red !important}
#templateBody{background:#000 !important}
.mcnTextContentContainer{background:#f90 !important}

Wow that's a mess of html tables-within-tables.

The colors are set for various id's used by the tables. I found: templatePreheader, preheaderBackground & templateHeader for the blue, and templateBody for the grey. But that's gonna be bad to maintain - I assume you've inherited it from someone else.

To change the blue color, search this class

            /*@change this*/background-color:#2d539c;
just change the background-color to whatever you want.

and to change gray color, search this class

            /*@change this*/background-color:#F5F5F5;

just change the background-color to whatever you want.

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