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Microsoft Visual Studio 2013: Cannot Create a new Asp.Net project

File -> New -> Website -> ASP.NET Web Forms Site -> OK

Configuring IIS Express failed with the following error:

Filename: redirection.config
Error: Cannot read configuration file

So I've tried several solutions. I checked and already have IIS Express installed. I also am running as admin. I don't know what else to do and googling just tells me to turn it on (it's checked in my tools options)

File -> New -> Project -> ASP.NET WebApplication -> Web Forms Template -> Ok

Unspecified error(Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004005 (E_FAIL))

Are these related? Why can't I do anything related to ASP? My Documents folder is not encrypted.

Result: I eventually got a new computer where this problem did not occur, so I did not personally solve this problem. Sorry.

I was having the same issue. Here's what worked for me.

  • Close Visual Studio.
  • Navigate to your Documents folder, and then the IISExpress subfolder.
  • Rename the "config" folder to something else. "configBACKUP" will do.
  • Open Visual Studio and try to create a new ASP.NET project.

IISExpress will create the necessary .configs in a brand new "config" folder.

Same issue due to having IIS Express 10.

Resolved by clicking Repair on it in Programs & Features. Took 5 seconds and it was fixed.

User \\ Documents \\ IISExpress \\ config文件尝试取消选中“只读”属性

就我而言,在我转到IISExpress文件夹Documents \\ IISExpress \\ config并取消选中“加密内容以隔离数据”之后,它工作正常,因为默认情况下,win 8.1将对其进行加密。

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