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Excel VBA Convert Cell Name to It's Coordinates

Let's say I have this string which represents a cell: A2 .
What should I do to covert it to coordinates: (2, 1) ?

You can use Column and Row properties of the Range object:



Sub test()
  Dim x As String
  x = "A2"
  MsgBox GetRow(x) & " " & GetColumn(x)
End Sub

 Function GetRow(Cell As String)
    GetRow = Range(Cell).Row
 End Function

 Function GetColumn(Cell As String)
    GetColumn = Range(Cell).Column
 End Function

Without VBA

Suppose, cell C2 contains string "A2" .


  • =INDIRECT(C2) returns reference to A2
  • =ROW(INDIRECT(C2)) returns row number - 2
  • =COLUMN(INDIRECT(C2)) returns column number - 1
  • ="(" & ROW(INDIRECT(C2)) & "; " & COLUMN(INDIRECT(C2)) & ")" returns coordinates in format (x; y) - (2; 1)



If you're using UDF, change your parameter type from String to Range :

Function GetData(Cell As Range)
    MsgBox "My row is " & Cell.Row
    MsgBox "My column is " & Cell.Column
End Function

if you call this UDF from worksheet like this: =GetData(A2) , msg box would pop-up:

  • "My row is 2"
  • "My column is 1"

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