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Magento Layered Navigation - Hide Sub-sub categories

I'm currently developing a website for a client and I've hit a bit of a snag.

We're using FME Layered Navigation, which currently displays both sub & sub-sub categories of the parent category.

What we'd like is to just show the sub categories, then once that is clicked show the sub-sub categories.


      SubSubCat1   /* Hide until SubCat1 is clicked */
      SubSubCat2   /* Hide until SubCat1 is clicked */
      SubSubCat3   /* Hide until SubCat1 is clicked */
      SubSubCat1   /* Hide until SubCat2 is clicked */
      SubSubCat2   /* Hide until SubCat2 is clicked */
      SubSubCat3   /* Hide until SubCat2 is clicked */
      SubSubCat1   /* Hide until SubCat3 is clicked */
      SubsubCat2   /* Hide until SubCat3 is clicked */
      SubSubCat3   /* Hide until SubCat3 is clicked */

If anybody could point me in the right direction please? I've looked through the /app/code/local/FME .phtml files, but I can't see anything that decides the level of category to display.

update your catalog.xml in your app/design/default/THEMENAME/layout/catalog.xml with this XML definition to remove the category filters from the left-layered navigation in Magento.

<reference name="catalog.leftnav">
<action method="unsetChild"><alias>category_filter</alias></action>

Please go to

System >> Configurations >> Developer

then select the respective store view from Current Configuration Scope from top left drop-down. Then under Debug tab, enable the Template Paht hints and Add Block Names to Hints and save. Now reload your frontend where the navigation is displayed. you will find the proper .phtml and the block name that were used.

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