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PSR-4 autoloading not working

I have created an app/modules directory and autoloaded it using PSR-4 like this:

"psr-4": {
    "Modules\\": "app/modules"

And I also did composer dumpautoload . I have the following directory structure:

- ...
- modules
-- ModuleName
--- controllers
---- BackendController.php

The file BackendController.php has the namespace Modules\\ModuleName\\Controllers .

And in routes.php , I have the following:

Route::resource('backend/modules/module-name', 'Modules\ModuleName\Controllers\BackendController');

But whenever I try to access 'backend/modules/module-name', I get a ReflectionException with the following message:

Class Modules\ModuleName\Controllers\BackendController does not exist

What may be causing the problem? When I run it in my local machine, it seems to work, but I can't get it to work on the webserver. Are there any server configuration scenarios, that may be causing this problem?

Since I don't have shell access to that webserver, I don't have composer installed on the webserver but it is installed on my local machine. I have uploaded all the files including vendor directory, to the server.

From PSR-4 specification :

All class names MUST be referenced in a case-sensitive fashion.

So you'll need to rename your modules and controllers folders to Modules and Controllers respectively.

So it becomes:

- ...
- Modules
-- ModuleName
--- Controllers
---- BackendController.php

I wouldn't recommend renaming your namespaces to lowercase names because that just breaks the consistency in your code and project structure. It will be a headache to maintain and figure out which part of your namespace needs to be capitalized which one doesn't.

You should look at capitalization.

Probably you test it on Windows machine so path


is the same as


But on Linux they are 2 different paths. You should probably change in your routes.php line from

Route::resource('backend/modules/module-name', 'Modules\ModuleName\Controllers\BackendController');


Route::resource('backend/modules/module-name', 'modules\ModuleName\controllers\BackendController');

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