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HTML PHP show form submit results on same page

I am trying to make a set of webpages that will display a unique graph based on a simple form that only has a selector box and a submit button. Basically what I want to happen is when the user changes the month in the selector and presses submit, a new chart set will render on the same page.

Here is the HTML initial page:

    <SCRIPT src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.1.min.js"></SCRIPT>
        <FORM ID="form1" METHOD="post" ACTION="">
            <SELECT NAME="monthSelector">
                <OPTION VALUE="0">Select Month...</OPTION>
                <OPTION VALUE="1">January</OPTION>
                <OPTION VALUE="2">February</OPTION>
                <OPTION VALUE="3">March</OPTION>
                <OPTION VALUE="4">April</OPTION>
                <OPTION VALUE="5">May</OPTION>
                <OPTION VALUE="6">June</OPTION>
                <OPTION VALUE="7">July</OPTION>
                <OPTION VALUE="8">August</OPTION>
                <OPTION VALUE="9">September</OPTION>
                <OPTION VALUE="10">October</OPTION>
                <OPTION VALUE="11">November</OPTION>
                <OPTION VALUE="12">December</OPTION>
            <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Show Charts">

        <DIV ID="response"></div>

            function submit()
                    var month = 3;
                    var formdata = "month=" + month;
                        type: 'POST',
                        url: 'showCharts.php',
                        data: formdata,
                        success: function(data) {

and here is showCharts.php:


    $month = $_POST['month'];
    echo $month;
    //insert complex queries and fusioncharts code that already works!

Someone please help me, I've been staring at this for hours and can't make any progress.

You can also use the .load method of jQuery:

function submit()
             var month = 3;
             var formdata = month;

Also, you will need to set:

$month = $_REQUEST['month'];

Another way to do it would be:

$('select').change(function() {
          var formdata = { month: document.getElementsByName('monthSelector')[0].value };
          $('#response').load( 'showCharts.php', formdata);

Try replacing

<FORM ID="form1" METHOD="post" ACTION="">


<FORM ID="form1" METHOD="post" ONSUBMIT="submit(); return false;">

It should work.

In the part of jQuery, put this:

function submit()
    var month = $('select[name="monthSelector"]').val();
        type: 'POST',
        url: 'showCharts.php',
        success: function(data)

One more thing: try to improve the HTML code, it will give a better image to your webpage.

Are you sure the submit function is even called? Do you bind the form's submit event at all?

I would do something like $("#form1").submit(submit);

Also, you should return false at the end of submit() to block the default form action (which is refresh the current page I believe)

Try to update the variable formdata to make it a json object rather than a string.

            function submit()
                    var month = 3;
                    var formdata = {'month': month}; //change made here
                        type: 'POST',
                        url: 'showCharts.php',
                        data: formdata,
                        success: function(data) {

Your jQuery code should be as follows:

$(function() {
      var month = 3;
      var formdata = { month: month };
      $('#response').load( 'showCharts.php', formdata );

      $('#form1').submit(function( e ) {
          var formData = { month: this.monthSelector.value };
          $('#response').load( 'showCharts.php', formData);

When using the ajax .load() method, here is what you should be aware of:

Request Method

The POST method is used if data is provided as an object; otherwise, GET is assumed.

Therefore, with the above jQuery code, your PHP script need not be changed.

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